Civic EngagementI am committed to bridging the gap between the academy and the public. Many of our political science theories can help solve problems in the real world, but we often don't see it happen! When I entered my program, I made a promise to myself that I would find a way to use political science research for the greater good.
Because of this commitment, I have worked at Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP) for over three years to equip students with the knowledge to become informed voters and active participants in our democracy. In 2018, I supervised 18 student Fellows across the State of Minnesota (see images to the right). These Fellows carried out voter engagement efforts (registration, education, GOTV) on their campuses to engage students in the 2018 midterm election. Their strategies to get their peers to vote were informed by political science literature (tabling, peer to peer influence, classroom registration effectiveness, etc.). During this time, I saw a disconnect between the student Fellows and faculty members. Many of the Fellows wanted to go into their classrooms to speak about voting, but faculty members turned them down. I had to ask, "Why do faculty members have hesitations about voter engagement?" I put my academic hat back on and took the matter into my own hands -- with a survey, of course! In 2019 I surveyed faculty members from all across the country to figure out why faculty members are hesitant about engaging in conversations about voting in their classrooms. I led a team that carried out the survey and developed a report for the organization to use to help better understand faculty's role in this space. Ever since, I have used the report and academic literature to continue to bridge the gap between faculty and students in this space. I host webinars, create resources, meet one-on-one with faculty, and consult with students who want to talk with faculty but just don't know how. As I wrap up my dissertation and look for employment in academia, my hope is that I can continue to bring political science research to life. |